Friday, June 12, 2015
6/11/15 Ask Dr. Love
What if everything you were taught to believe about this life and beyond
was wrong? And, what if you discovered that your mind and your
consciousness is not linked to your brain or body. And that your
consciousness will continue to exist after you leave your body? How
might this knowledge alter the way you live and love NOW? According to
Tom, our physical reality (what we call this life) is an elementary
school--a virtual reality learning lab for individuated units of budding
consciousness. Think about how much your heart and relationships could
expand as a result of your embracing a wider consciousness.
6/10/15 Dr. Pat and Ingrid Martine
The Un-Game: Four-Play to Business as Unusual with Ingrid Martine
The Un-Game is based on the premise that we have more to unlearn than
learn in order to meet current work and life challenges, and it is both a
captivating story and an inspirational invitation for organizational
leaders to engage in a cutting-edge paradigm shift about how 21st
century organizations do business.
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6/9/15 Dr. Pat and Amy Morin
13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do with Author Amy Morin
Take Back Your Power, Embrace Change, Face Your Fears, and Train Your Brain for Happiness and Success
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6/8/15 Dr. Pat and Co-host Ali Katz
Getting Grounded and Creating Sacred Space with Ali Katz and Dr. Pat Baccili
We cannot change the world around us, but we can create a landscape of
inner peace within ourselves. Life will never slow down, or stop being
stressful, so we need to figure out ways to deal with these triggers,
and different things work for different people. It is important to find
out what works for YOU.
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6/5/15 The Christine Upchurch Show
Change Me Prayers: The Hidden Spiritual Power of Surrender with guest Tosha Silver
Join Christine and author Tosha Silver as she talks about her sequel to
the delightfully profound and wildly popular book Outrageous Openness:
Letting the Divine Take the Lead. Tosha, with her characteristic wit and
charm, shows how to transform yourself from the inside out. At its
heart, Change Me Prayers is a spiritual guide which offers prayers to
the Divine that can change someone into a person open to receive
bountiful blessings in everyday life.
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6/4/15 Dr. Pat and Sue Storm
Moving Forward with Angelic Blessings with The Angel Lady Sue Storm
Life takes on a more joyous feel when Angelic blessings are all around.
And, it is more exciting to go through the day being blessed. Also,
the best way to resolve a situation is to direct the Angels to send
their blessings to those involved. Enjoy a new aspect of life by
accepting the gift of Angelic blessings.
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6/2/15 Dr. Pat and Austin Muhs
How Anyone Can Utilize Crowdfunding to Build a Vocation with Austin Muhs
Kickstarter and IndieGogo are exploding entreprenurial markets and as
more and more people get involved in this way of thinking about small
business, our country will be able to slowly give the economic power
back to the people. This interview will cover how the theology behind
this shift is the most empowering economic sea change of the past 20-30
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6/1/15 Dr. Pat and Patricia Lee
S/He Dragon ~ How I Found My Wings with Author Patricia Lee
I never imagined I would find my wings. No one ever told me I had wings!
S/He Dragon is a story about Patricia Lee’s relationship with Light and
how this Light shape-shifted her matter and evolved her consciousness.
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5/29/15 The Christine Upchurch Show
Discover Ayurveda, the "science of life," which is a complete wellness
system that includes all that we associate with medical care -
prevention of disease, observation, diagnosis, and treatment - as well
as self-care practices that are generally absent from Western medicine.
Learn how to use the eight "spokes"™ of the Ayurvedic wheel of healing.
Discover these time tested methods for body, mind and spirit wellness
and empower yourself!
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5/28/15 Prescience Life Radio with Mia Simone
Interview with The World's Preeminent Occultist,
Lon Milo DuQuette
Lon and Mia will be discussing Lon's career as an occultist. Where is
Lon now and what are his plans for the future? Lon and Mia will be
accepting callers seeking knowledge or callers who would like readings.
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5/27/15 Dr. Pat and Co-Host Glenna Rice
The Questionable Parent with Glenna Rice - Is Your Relationship Working for You?
What are the elements of a great relationship?
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5/26/15 Lyme Talk Radio with Dr. Pat Baccili
A Coming Out Story: Celebrities Touched By
Lyme Disease
Grammy-nominated singer Avril Lavigne has revealed that she is battling
Lyme disease. Lavigne alluded to experiencing "health issues" late last
year. She and thousands others share the same story of perseverance,
courage, and inspiration. Baccili says, "We are past the due date for
the medical profession to recognize this epidemic killer of our time.
This is a call to action for all of us."
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5/22/15 The Christine Upchurch Show
Navigating Your Future with guests George and
Sedena Cappannelli
Join Christine and George and Sedena Cappannelli for this dialogue
on the future discussing ways to minimize the challenges and
maximize the opportunities of the dawning demographic revolution
that will eventually see 50% of our population over 50 for the
first time in history. Discover ways to renew, refresh and live
more consciously, age wisely and enjoy a life of greater purpose
and engagement.
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5/20/15 Dr. Pat Show with Guest Host Jenn Royster
Guest Host Jenn Royster - How Relationships
are Evolving
Dr. Jenn Royster is back filling in for Dr Pat to discuss how relationships are evolving today. We are in the throws of change and our relationships are shifting too. There are many types of relationships including the one you have with yourself. How do you see yourself? Do you avoid aspects of the Self that you don't like? Do you avoid them in others? Tune in for a journey to explore healing and acceptance of all aspects of the Self and how this lays the foundation in your relationships with others.
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5/19/15 Dr. Pat and Co-host Dr. Friedemann Schaub
The Empowered Self Part 14: Who do you trust your intellect or your intuition? With Dr. Friedemann Schaub & Dr. Pat Baccili
Whether you call it gut feeling, inner voice or intuition, we all have
an undeniable guidance system within, which operates outside logic and
reasoning. Did you ever just know that you should check on
someone, only to find out that they needed your help? Or have you ever
had the sense that you needed to go back to your house, and discovered
that you had forgotten to turn off the iron? There are countless stories
of people, who claim that their inner warning voice had saved them from
disaster. The problem is, how do you know when to listen to your
intuition and when to follow your rational mind? And how can you
distinguish between your gut feeling and the anxious pit in your
stomach? Join, Dr. Friedemann Schaub, author of The Fear and Anxiety
Solution, and learn more how you can strengthen and harness your
intuitive sense to navigate through life with greater ease and
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5/15/15 The Christine Upchurch Show
Are You a Highly Sensitive Person? with guest Jean Haner
Join Christine and Hay House author Jean Haner, an expert in Chinese
face reading, as they talk about ways to discover what kind of
sensitivity you have, and how to not only survive but thrive as a Highly
Sensitive Person!
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5/14/15 Ask Dr. Love
Ask Dr. Love with Dr. Jamie Turndorf: 5 Steps to Eliminating Depression and Anxiety with Bestselling Author Dr. Aleks George
Have you been taking pharmaceutical drugs to treat depression or anxiety? And are you still feeling depressed or anxious? If
you said, yes, you could be a victim of the "dirty multi-billion dollar
secret" that pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know. Tune in
to find out why drugs don't cure depression and anxiety...and discover
why drugs can actually make you depressed and anxious. If you're ready
for a non-pharma approach to healing your mood, tune in to this week's
show with Dr. Aleks George who is going to share proven, drug-free ways
to eliminate your depression and anxiety for good!
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5/13/15 Dr. Pat and David Christopher Lewis
Saint Germain on Advanced Alchemy book inspired by David C. Lewis
Alchemy works! Delve into the deepest secrets of advanced spiritual
alchemy with David Christopher Lewis’ new book, Saint Germain on
Advanced Alchemy: HeartStreaming in the Aquarian Age, Volume 1. Saint
Germain himself, known as the master alchemist, inspired this timely,
profound and practical treatise all about how you can attain true
enlightenment, and experience personal transformation into a love beyond
belief. Dr Pat asks why and how is alchemy the real key to co-creating a
new solar civilization and a golden crystal age of love-wisdom.
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5/11/15 Dr. Pat Show with Guest Host Dr. Susan Allison
Guest Host Dr. Susan Allison - There Is No Death
What if there is no death? What if the essence or energy of who you are
is immortal? If you knew this to be true, would you live differently
here? Could you relax and let go of your fear? Could you truly live? On
today's show Dr. Susan Allison will share personal stories about her
husband's transition and about her direct experience of the spirit
world, some call heaven. She will tell you how you can release your own
fear of death and connect with departed loved ones, and in the process,
realize we are all immortal.
Click here to listen
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
5/8/15 The Christine Upchurch
Spirituality and the New Economy with guest Hans Christian King

Join Christine and medium and spiritual teacher Hans Christian King, as Hans shares about how spirituality will guide you through the uncertain times in this new economy. Learn how to work with your personal Angels Guides to allow you to experience the life you wish to have.
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5/7/15 Dr. Pat and Sue Storm
Angelic Guidance and your Life Purpose with Guest Host Sue Storm
The individual angels have been chosen for you to help discover your Purpose in Life. When an individual is on the right path, life is easier and more fruitful. Angelic Support is what makes the journey fulfilling. Success is more meaningful with the angels at your side.
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5/5/15 Dr. Pat and Susan McCrossin
Breaking the Learning Barrier's Eradicating ADD, ADHD and Dyslexia with Speaker and
Author Susan McCrossin, A.P.

Crossinology Brain Integration Technique is a natural, drug-free alternative proven to resolve learning difficulties. This cutting-edge, non-invasive technique, developed by renowned trainer, speaker, and author Susan McCrossin, A.P offers parents, educators, and health professionals, a soothing and relaxing experience that relieves stress while delivering a permanent change in learning performance. Crossinology Brain Integration Technique has shown to increase improvement in areas such as: Reading Comprehension, Memory and Concentration, Understanding Mathematical Concepts and more.
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5/4/15 Dr. Pat and Guy Finley
Part 2 of Six Ways to Know a False Inner Guide From the True One with Guy Finley
Part 2 of a 2 part conversation - Guy Finley, the author of The
Secret of Your Immortal Self, explains that the journey to the
divinity within has its dangers. The inner path is lined with many
trials and pitfalls. But there is nothing to be feared in this
knowledge. In truth, these encounters are actually stages of initiation,
necessary points along the upper path where the aspirant reaches “again and again“ the proverbial "fork in the road."
A great
confusion usually clouds these unwanted moments, the aspirant can't see
down either path, as a kind of darkness shrouds the entrance to both.
How can a person tell which of the two paths is the true one? Which
leads to the immortal Self, and which is a one-way ticket back to being
"me" again? And how do I know which “ if any“ of these "voices" in
my head telling me, "This is the way," or "No, go that way," is offering
me the right instruction?
In this new conversation with Dr. Pat,
Guy will explain the 6 ways we can tell the difference between a false inner guide and the true one.
Click here to listen
5/1/15 The Christine Upchurch Show
Expanding your consciousness with Whales and Dolphins, guest Mary Getten
Whales and Dolphins are high spiritual beings that love us. You can
expand your consciousness by understanding who they are and how to
connect with them, physically and telepathically. Join Christine and
animal communicator Mary J. Getten to find out how!
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4/30/15 Guest Host Dr. Love
The Dr. Pat Show: Guest Host Dr. Jamie Turndorf - Learning to Love Without Limits:
The Key to Limitless Love
Dr. Jamie Turndorf (aka Dr. Love) invites you to join her for a transformational show that teaches you how to overcome the blocks to loving others (and yourself) without limit.Discover why relationships are the soil for your soul development and how to use your relationships to fulfill your one true purpose in life--to perfect your ability to love yourself and others fully!
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4/29/15 Co-host Glenna Rice
The Questionable Parent with Co-host Glenna Rice:
I Feel Their Pain
Empathy, sympathy and compassion, what do they create?
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4/28/15 Prescience Life Radio
Prescience Life Radio with Co-host Mia Simone: Call-in to Prescience Life Radio and Receive a Reading from
Mia Simone
Gain insight into your life's most perplexing issues. Mia Simone is
excited to share her intuitive insights into your most challenging life
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4/27/15 Co-host Dr. Susan Allison
The Dr. Pat Show: Divine Downloads with Co-host
Dr. Susan Allison
How can we be more receptive to inspiration, to magical ideas and bursts
of creativity? On today's show author and artist Susan Allison will
share her own experience with what she calls Divine Downloads. For
a decade, ever since a birthday trip on the California coast, Dr.
Allison has been catching songs, poems, paintings and book ideas
that seem to come out of nowhere right into her head and heart. It is
now her belief that these inspirations come from Source, Spirit, the
Divine, the Higher Self, the Mind of God, or whatever you call this
universal Creative Force. She will share how to be more receptive to
these downloads, how to invite them in more often, and what environment
and attitude seem to attract them most. Get ready to receive you own
Divine Downloads after today's show!
Click here to listen
4/24/15 The Christine Upchurch Show
The D Spot: Dreams, Desire, & Destiny with dream expert Kelly Walden

Join Christine and dream expert Kelly Sullivan Walden as Kelly pulls the covers on what we most need to know about our nocturnal dreams. For most people in the western world, the territory of nighttime dreams is shrouded in mystery. Our dreams remain an X-file because in our culture they are looked upon as frivolous, nonsensical, random firings of an over-stimulated brain. Learn to shine the light on your nighttime escapades that when understood and brought into the light of day, might completely change your life.
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4/23/15 Guest Host Artie Hoffman
The Dr. Pat Show: The New Angels and Answers Psychic Radio Show
featuring Guest Hosts
Artie Hoffman and Sky Siegell
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4/22/15 Sheer Alchemy with Leslie Fonteyne
When we clear old patterns and attachments, it can feel like loss. In a sense it is! And boy can that be confusing! Aren't we supposed to be happy? Learn about stepping into your new adventure that kicks off with a fresh start.
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