Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March 31, 2010 11am PST ~ Dr. Pat and Jim Moret

'The Last of My Life' with Author and Chief Correspondent of Inside Edition Jim Moret
Jim describes his personal 'Call to Consciousness' - Every day I look in the mirror and say out loud those things for which I am grateful.The opportunities I have been given, our three beautiful children and my loving wife, the fact that all of our parents are still alive and healthy. It is far too easy to take things for granted.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

March 30, 2010 11am PST ~ Dr. Pat and Lou Paradise

Ultimate Form of Pain Relief for Women: More conversation with Lou Paradise of Topical BioMedics
Of the 75 million people suffering from pain, 65% are women and half of them feel like there is no relief available. There is help and hope for relief—without the side effects of over-the-counter and prescription drugs: All natural Topricin supports the body’s desire to heal the damage causing the pain.

Monday, March 29, 2010

March 29, 2010 11am PST ~ Dr. Pat and Robert Holden

The Happiness Project with Author and Speaker Robert Holden
Robert Holden is on a mission: he wants to teach the world how to be happy. To that end he's founded a program he calls, quite simply, "The Happiness Project." It's a life-empowering process that explores what true happiness is, what blocks happiness, and what enables happiness, he says.

Friday, March 26, 2010

March 26, 2010 11am PST ~ Dr. Pat and Access Wellness

Access Wellness Center - Real Healing Naturally! 

Victoria Leo, MA, MA and Phi Huynh, MS, LAC,  join Dr. Pat today to talk about how they empower patients with their health by treating the cause of the disease, not the symptoms. They treat the patient as a whole, with Holistic Healing.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

March 25, 2010 11:30am PST ~ Dr. Pat and Mary Jane Mack

A Day In The Office of Mary Jane Mack and CRA

Mary Jane talks about different client’s she sees in her office. If you have any health concerns or any questions regarding your children or even the family pet Mary Jane welcomes your calls.

March 25, 2010 11am PST ~ Dr. Pat and The Ladies Room

Join Dr. Pat and The Ladies Room 
with Brooke and Monti

Brooke Fox and Monti Carlo have created a radio show that is a first of its kind in Seattle. “The Ladies Room with Brooke and Monti”, is the only morning show hosted by women in Seattle’s history.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

March 24, 2010 11am PST ~ Dr. Pat and Pamela Welsh

Keep Your Energy Flowing for Good Health with Pamela Welsh and Light Touch Energetics

Pamela Welsh of Light Touch Energetics works with each client on keeping the energy flow moving so that the body stays well. For many, this type of healing can be truly a life altering experience. The clients can become conscious of the true cause of the illness and become empowered to eventually self-heal themselves.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

March 23, 2010 11am PST ~ Dr. Pat and Dr. Roger Jahnke, Rebecca McLean

Join the Health and Wellness Coaching Revolution with Dr. Roger Jahnke, OMD and Rebecca McLean - the co-founders of Health Action

Human society is re-engineering. The former world of experts is disappearing. The doctor and the therapist are now becoming coaches who empower rather than dictate to their clients. Health and wellness coaching is one of the fastest growing industries. It is a perfect time to become a coach.

Monday, March 22, 2010

March 22, 2010 11am PST ~ Dr. Pat and David Emerald

Upgrade Your Personal Operating System to The Power of TED* - *The Empowerment Dynamic™ with David Emerald

David Emerald’s The Power of TED* offers a more resourceful way of being; provides a framework for healthy and empowering relationships; and facilitates a shift in mindset – all of which adds up to an upgrade in our personal operating system!