Friday, November 14, 2014

November 13, 2014 11am pt - Dr. Pat and John G. Sutton

The Dr. Pat Show: England's Stone Circles with Psychic World's John G. Sutton

England is an island kingdom where, thousands of years ago, neolithic man built stone monuments to the gods they worshiped. Stonehenge is believed to have been created as a form of astrological observatory enabling the ancient Britons to plot the seasons through measuring the movement of the Earth against the stars, the sun and the moon. Neolithic man is believed to have worshiped the sun as the bringer of life and as each season changed, such as with the Winter equinox, pagan ceremonies were conducted to ensure, so they believed, the return of Spring and fruitfulness to the land. There are numerous stone circles around the UK and John G. Sutton has been visiting some of these tuning in to the sites using their paranormal power for psychic visions of what has been and is to be. Listen to this show to discover what mysteries were unveiled as John stood within these ancient stone monuments of historic England.

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