Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October 29, 2014 11am pt - Dr. Pat and John Sutton

The Dr. Pat Show: Precognitive Visions with Psychic World's John G. Sutton

John G. Sutton looks at the nature of precognitive visions of the future that ultimately transpire into reality. At times dreams show us a vivid images of events that are to be and there are numerous anecdotal accounts of people dreaming the winners of horse races. Another form of precognitive vision is the sudden illuminating insight, as if one is transported through time and space to a different place. The problem is how to deal with instantaneous visions of tomorrow, what does one do, John says the answer is keep a diary. With dreams that is simple just write down that which you recall as soon as you wake and do it quickly as the memory fades fast. There is a mystery to precognition that involves what Einstein termed the Time and Space Continuum, for time is not as we on Earth perceive it to be. Time is not an arrow shot forward in a straight line, we do not really know what time is we do however know that we do not know, as a man said.

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