Sunday, February 2, 2014

January 27, 2014 11am pt - The Laura Longley Show

The Laura Longley Show - Where authentic change takes flight!: The Buddha's Way of Happiness with Tom Bien

In the West, we tend to think of happiness largely in terms of the acquisition of certain desired things or circumstances.  While this level of happiness cannot be ignored completely, the Buddha teaches that this approach is ultimately unsatisfying.  The reason for this is that everything is impermanent and changing all the time. True happiness has much more to do with being able to rest contentedly in the here and now. Only when we are at ease in the present can we act effectively to create happiness in ourselves and others. Otherwise we will tend to create more sorrow. Join Laura and Dr. Tom Bien on The Laura Longley Show as we talk about what happiness really is, and how you can have it now!

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