Saturday, March 28, 2015

3/27/15 The Christine Upchurch Show

The Christine Upchurch Show: Aim High, but keep Plan B in your pocket! with guest John Ryder
We often are programmed to think that only the greatest success matters, nothing else. In reality, every step forward counts toward success and that is how most big achievements are reached. Achieving the most is based on many factors, being prepared, a clear vision of your goal, a well planned strategy, and a Plan B, alternative goals just in case. Discover how to organize your strategies and plan for success along with alternatives that may actually help you reach the ultimate goal.

3/26/15 Dr. Pat and Mia Simone

Prescience Life Radio with Mia Simone: Discover Intuition - Your Most Powerful Resource and Greatest Personal Ally 
Mia Simone is excited to discuss her greatest passion and why she is devoted to bringing the gifts of intuition to the world. Learn its practical uses and how you can easily obtain all of your goals through understanding how to direct energy and draw on your inner knowledge.

3/25/15 Leslie Fonteyne

Sheer Alchemy! with Host Leslie Fonteyne: Visions, Dreams and Procrastination 
We have the dream, the idea, and we begin. Then procrastination sets in and we do anything but. What is that? How does this kind of interference stop us? Let's dig deep and clear out the source of the fears that prevent our greatness.  

3/24/15 Dr. Pat and Wendy Wolf

The Dr. Pat Show: We Die and we Rise to New Life! our Soul Journey as Disciples of Jesus with Wendy R. Wolf

If you just want to just re-arrange chairs on the Titanic, then just keep doing what you are doing. But, if you want to turn the Titanic - big change is in order! That is gonna take some ego-death, some changes in how you BE and what you DO. Jesus is a really great friend to have for that process! The Dying and Rising part of following Jesus, is hard it's true, but really it's a huge Gift! Letting Go, Surrendering, is Key. Many Religious folks want us to believe that following God means being Good and staying out of trouble (but really it is the opposite), God doesn't play by our rules, or any rules. So, following God's leading sends us on a collision course with the tyrants of our inner and our outer world. Following Jesus requires willingness - we can't just go on automatic pilot! Operating from spiritual leading rather than physical info and habits, is a big shift. But it is well-worth paying attention, amazing stuff happens in our lives, and the world around us!

3/23/15 Dr. Pat and Dr. Jamie Turndorf

The Dr. Pat Show: Love Never Dies - How to Reconnect and Make Peace with the Deceased with
Author Dr. Jamie Turndorf
Internationally famous relationship therapist, bestselling author, and media personality, Dr. Jamie Turndorf (aka Dr. Love) shares the amazing true story of her spiritual reconnection with her beloved deceased husband, internationally renowned former Jesuit priest, Emile Pin. Discovering for herself that relationships don't end in death, Dr. Turndorf has created her groundbreaking new Trans-Dimensional Grief Therapy method that brings her acclaimed conflict-resolution method to the world of death communication. The result: An unprecedented new method that enables the bereaved to reconnect, heal unfinished business, and make peace with the deceased

3/20/15 The Christine Upchurch Show

The Christine Upchurch Show:  Taming Your Outer Child:  Overcoming Self-Sabotage and Healing From Abandonment with guest Susan Anderson
Discover what psychotherapist Susan Anderson calls "The Outer Child"; a psychological concept that describes the part of your personality that acts out your Inner Child's feelings in self-defeating ways without giving you, the Adult in charge, a chance to intervene. You can learn to redress and redirect your Outer Child’s subterfuge. Whether Outer Child has been preventing you from being in a romantic relationship, sticking to a diet, curbing your spending, overcoming performance anxiety, ending procrastination, becoming a better parent, or reaching your potential, you can finally create the change you’ve always dreamed of.

3/19/15 The Mary Jane Show

The Christine Upchurch Show:  Taming Your Outer Child:  Overcoming Self-Sabotage and Healing From Abandonment with guest Susan Anderson
Discover what psychotherapist Susan Anderson calls "The Outer Child"; a psychological concept that describes the part of your personality that acts out your Inner Child's feelings in self-defeating ways without giving you, the Adult in charge, a chance to intervene. You can learn to redress and redirect your Outer Child’s subterfuge. Whether Outer Child has been preventing you from being in a romantic relationship, sticking to a diet, curbing your spending, overcoming performance anxiety, ending procrastination, becoming a better parent, or reaching your potential, you can finally create the change you’ve always dreamed of.

3/18/15 Dr. Schaub and Dr. Pat

The Empowered Self with Co-host Dr. Friedemann Schaub: The Truth about Fear and Anxiety – Q and A with Dr. Schaub
Fear and anxiety can leave you feeling confused, overwhelmed and powerless. As most of your energy is dedicated to protect yourself from these feelings, you find yourself often exhausted and easily irritated. You may even start dealing with insomnia, chronic pain or other physical symptoms. And even though you have tried "everything" to overcome these emotions, nothing seemed to make a difference. The phone lines are open during the show - call 800.930.2819 or use the Instant Feedback on our Homepage to ask your
question of Dr. Schaub. 

3/17/15 The Questionable Parent Glenna Rice

The Questionable Parent with Glenna Rice: Are some people just Lucky? Are you still waiting for the bad luck to end and find the pot of gold??
What if it isn't Luck that creates the great things in life, what if it is choice?

3/16/15 AJ Speigier

Live Your True Self with Co-host AJ Speiginer: Positive Energy Momentum
Build positive energy momentum and utilize it to work with the Law of Attraction and Manifesting to enhance your life 

Saturday, March 14, 2015

3/13/15 The Christine Upchurch Show

The Christine Upchurch Show: Conscious Evolution: Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential with guest Barbara Marx Hubbard
Discover processes that can bring humanity across the dangerous threshold of possible self-destruction to the point of the shift already under way - to help us realize that we have the capacity to survive and grow far beyond our current condition. Join Christine and Futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard for a discussion of Barbara's vision for a wholesome transition process that is composed of initiatives that are already occurring but have not yet been connected, communicated, and understood to be vital elements of a whole system transition.

3/12/15 Dr. Jamie Turndorf and Dr. Richard London

Ask Dr. Love with Host Dr. Jamie Turndorf: Creating Love that Never Dies with the World's Leading Transformational Expert, Dr. Richard London
Do you want to experience the kind of love that lasts a lifetime and beyond? If you said "yes" then join me for a rock your world discussion with Dr. Richard London. Tune in to discover the secrets to attracting and keeping a love that transcends time and space. 

3/11/15 Connections Radio with Brenda Thyne

Connections Radio with Host Brenda Thyne: NEW in the NOW - Some Time with MERLIN
The phone lines are open for mini-readings to discover what is NEW for your NOW. Brenda will connect with Merlin's wisdom and offer you His Guidance.

3/10/15 Dr. Pat and Gangaji

The Dr. Pat Show: Freedom and Resolve - Finding Your True Home in the Universe with Author Gangaji
In this book Gangaji invites you to examine your life and to wake up from the trance of who you think you are and experience the truth of who you really are. The resolve is not to go back into the trance by turning away from that essential experience of waking up, but to freshly inquire anew, as thoughts or feelings of separation arise.

3/9/15 Dr. Pat and Amber Farman

The Dr. Pat Show: Farewell My Loves with
 Author Amber Farman
The end will find us all, regardless of the riches we've accumulated, the gods we've chosen to worship, the color of our skin, or who we decide to love. Farewell My Loves is a love story about our undying need for human connections. It traverses a maze of boundaries and challenges inherent in living a life unscripted, bent on not conforming to the desires of others.

Friday, March 6, 2015

3/6/15 The Christine Upchurch Show

The Christine Upchurch Show: The Gift of Maybe with guest Allison Carmen

Do you find yourself desperately seeking to know or predict what will happen next in your life, trapped in a spiral of anxiety, doubt and fear? Find hope and freedom when you discover the life-altering mindset of the concept of Maybe. By accepting the "truths" of Maybe, you can reduce the stress and worry in your life and open the doors to hope and possibility!

3/4/15 Dr. Pat and Thomas John

The Dr. Pat Show: Never Argue with a Dead Person - True and Unbelievable Stories from the Other Side with Author and Medium Thomas John

Manhattan medium Thomas John has been hailed as "the Hollywood psychic with the highest batting average" by The Hollywood Reporter. Now he shares what he's seen and heard on the Other Side. In this book, John offers fifteen fascinating stories of what happens when clients ask him to contact their dead friends and relatives. Above all, this is a book filled with comfort, love, forgiveness, and hope. For Thomas John, death is not the end, it is just the beginning. Our friends and relatives are still with us. They care for us. They watch over us. And, in times of particular need, they offer us help.

3/3/15 Sheer Alchemy! Host Leslie Fonteyne

Sheer Alchemy! with Host Leslie Fonteyne: Creating Your Life on Purpose

Our lives belong to us. We know that, but do we live that way? How often do we give away our time and energy, expecting that our dreams should happen anyway? Join me for a recovery session: we're taking our lives back!

3/2/15 Dr. Pat and Khartika Goe

The Dr. Pat Show: The Multidimensional Traveler - Finding Togetherness with Author Khartika Goe
The philosophy behind The Multidimensional Traveler: Finding Togetherness is to offer multidimensional wisdom to a global audience and seekers of knowledge with open minds through togetherness, raise humanity's understanding, enhance spiritual and subtle energy awareness, and ultimately, to inform individuals around the world of their true energetic potential. Transgressing all boundaries of age, education, and previous exposure to the topic of multidimensional phenomena, the book serves as a literary and spiritual manifestation that stands out in a genre dominated by both authors and an audience of mainly older generations.  

2/27/15 The Christine Upchurch Show

The Christine Upchurch Show: What's In the Way IS the Way: Discovering How to Transform Your Struggles Into the Joy of Being Fully Alive with guest Mary O'Malley

What would your life be like if you truly trusted yourself and your life - all of it? If your challenges, rather than being endless problems to be solved, became doorways into the healing you long for? If you discovered that the peace you long for is always with you right here, right now? By bringing curiosity and compassion to what’s in your way, you will find the way - the treasures inside the struggle and the journey into a trust-filled connection with life.

2/26/15 Dr. Pat and Amy Newmark

The Dr. Pat Show: Chicken Soup for the Soul - The Power of Forgiveness with Publisher, Editor-in-chief and Coauthor Amy Newmark